ICPAL hosts a delegation from the Matenadaran Institute

laboratorio di restauro

Ultimo aggiornamento 5 September 2024

On 10 April, the Istituto Centrale per la Patologia degli Archivi e del Libro had the pleasure of hosting representatives of the ‘Matenadaran’, a historical research institute of ancient Armenian manuscripts and museum. The Director of ICPAL, Aurora Raniolo, together with her collaborators, welcomed the delegation composed of Ara Khzmalyan, Director of Matenadaran; Vahe Torosyan, Deputy Director; Lusine Margaryan, member of the new biochemical research group on Matenadaran manuscripts; and Sona Baloyan, International Relations Specialist.

During the visit, a tour of the historical garden and of the ICPAL’s restoration, conservation and scientific laboratories was organised, with a view to greater international sharing of scientific and technological knowledge. This comparison was particularly important for the master’s programme ‘Restoration of the Written Heritage’ that will soon be implemented at the ‘Matenadaran’.

The management of the Armenian institute has also officially invited ICPAL to take part in the international seminar ‘Images of Memory: the latest technologies for conservation and restoration of the manuscript and printed heritage’, which will be held in Armenia this autumn. The event will be an opportunity to sign and renew a memorandum of understanding with the Central Institute for the Pathology of Archives and Books aimed at promoting international cooperation in the field of restoration and enhancement of archival and book heritage.


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