Paper flights. Anna Onesti’s Kite exhibition


Ultimo aggiornamento 26 July 2023

Extraordinary opening of ICPAL on the occasion of the European Heritage Days 2022

Shapes that rely on the wind with their dynamic and light structures are the kites exhibited by the Central Institute for Pathology of Archives and Books on the occasion of European Heritage Days 2022. Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 September the creations will be presented Anna Onesti also created together with other artists: Francesco Casorati, Bruno Ceccobelli, Adele Cammarata, Virginia Lorenzetti.

Kites are little miracles of technical perfection. Built with essential elements, painted or printed paper, bamboo sticks and cotton threads, they combine constructive wisdom and artistic beauty with the substance of play and the sense of spontaneous momentum. The construction of these flying forms, created together with Fabrizio Di Pietro, is often based on traditional Japanese typologies such as: the square kite (hamamatsu), the lozenge kite (tosa), the rectangular kite (edo), the hexagonal kite (rokkaku). The glaze is made with handcrafted Japanese paper or with Korean paper or paper from the Far East, from the regions of Nepal or India.

Also on display are some photos of kite flying, flights coordinated by Claudio del Greco and Ettore Carta of the Roman kite group Greko Kite, the photographs are by Fabio Massimo Fioravanti.

At 11:30 on Saturday 24 SeptemberAnna Onesti will hold a conversation with projections relating to this singular work; the meeting sees the presence of Stefania Pandozy, Head of the multi-material laboratory of the Vatican Museums, art historian and restorer specializing in paper, leather, vegetable fibers, photographs, lacquers and plumaria.

On Sunday 25 September the students of the ICPAL Higher Education and Study School for Restorers (SAF) will perform some demonstration interventions and involve the public in the creation of simple artefacts.

In addition, on both days it will be possible to take guided tours inside the historic garden of the Institute, former site of the Botanical Garden of Rome.


Saturday 24: 10.15 am guided tour of the historic garden; 11.30 am visit to the exhibition and conversation with the artist Anna Onesti

Sunday 25guided tours of the historic garden, workshop curated by SAF students and visit to the exhibition with admission at 10.15 and 11.15


ICPAL – Via Milano, 76 – 00184 Rome (RM)

tel. +39 06 48291286

Free admission with reservations required at the address: with a request to enter the activity you are interested in, the number of participants and a telephone number.

Reservations by 12.00 on Friday 23 September.

Please wait for confirmation by email.

Bio by Anna Onesti

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