Historical archive

Ultimo aggiornamento 5 July 2023

The Photo Library of the Central Institute for the Pathology of Archives and Books (ICPAL) is made up of the archives of the Central Institute for Book Pathology founded in 1938 by Alfonso Gallo (ICPL) and the Center for Photo Reproduction, Bookbinding and Restoration of the Archives of State established in 1963 (CFLR) and merged with the ICPL following the merger of the two Institutes in 2007.

The estimated patrimony amounts to about 100,000 phototypes of various types (glass plates, films, development prints), covering the entire chronological span of the Institute’s activity, from its foundation in 1938 to around the 2000s. The original arrangement of the photographic archive in fonds is reflected in the structure of the digital archive as follows:

ICPL funds

Fund “IST – Istituto” relating to the activities of the Institute
Fund “ANT – Antitermitica” relating to the prevention and recovery activities carried out in the “fight against termite” campaign
Fund “DOC – Historical Documentation” on the history of books and libraries
“POS – Positivi” fund relating to reproductions of book and archival assets preserved in Italian libraries and archives
Collection “DIA ICPAL – Slides” relating to the documentation on the activities of the restoration laboratory

CFLR funds

Collection “DIA CFLR – Slides” relating to the documentation on the activities of the restoration laboratory The ICPAL photo library is available for online consultation at the following link: Photo Library