Ultimo aggiornamento 26 July 2023

The main activity of the Icpal consists in research aimed at the knowledge, protection and conservation of archival and book materials belonging to the State and other public bodies.
The School of Advanced Training and Study (SAF) of the Central Institute for the pathology of archives and books (ICPAL) is a five-year single-cycle course, divided into 300 training credits, equivalent to the LMR/02 master’s degree – Conservation and restoration of cultural heritage. The course enables the profession of “Restorer of cultural heritage” with reference to the professionalizing profile PFP 5: Library and archival material. Paper and parchment artifacts. Photographic, cinematographic and digital material (article 1 of the Mibact-Miur Interministerial Decree of 25/8/2014).
At the end of the training course, in addition to acquiring skills and dexterity guaranteed by more than 2000 hours of restoration laboratory, students will be able to boast a scientific knowledge of materials and problems related to their conservation.
The educational objective of the School is to obtain a professional figure who exercises the acquired competence as a subjective dimension, the result of a highly specialized and characterizing training and work experience.
To this end, the graduates of the course will acquire:
- the historical, scientific and technical bases necessary for the exercise of the profession of restorer of cultural heritage;
- solid preparation for manual practice;
- the ability to research, document and contextualize the work and the environment that preserves it, including through scientific analyses;
- the ability to recognize the causes of chemical, physical and biological degradation and the characteristics of the constituent materials;
- the ability to plan the restoration and planned conservation of the works;
- the ability to intervene in emergency or catastrophe situations, activating the most appropriate actions;
- the ability to collaborate with specific professional figures and to manage the work staff also from a legal and economic point of view;
- knowledge of the deontological principles and ethical reasons underlying the operational choices.